Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Traumatic Brain Injury Online Resources

 The online world are full of potential resources you can use related to Traumatic Brain Injury. There are a few that are worth highlighting.
l Brain Line: Traumatic Brain Injury and Head Injury Resources
   l http://www.brainline.org/
 l Brain Line provides a wide range of information regarding TBI, from what TBI is, to informative videos and podcast,  to headlines in the news, to resources for those with a TBI, caregivers and professionals.  

l Traumatic Brain Injury Services of California
l CCCIL, in addition to being a Independent Living Center, is also one of seven  TBI Service Sites in California. The mission of TBISCA is to ensure that adults with a traumatic brain injury have the necessary services to enhance self-sufficiency.
TBI sites core services include, Information and referral, community reintegration, supported living, vocation services. 
l Brain Injury Association and Brain Injury Association of California
l Brain Injury Association is a nation wide organization brain injury advocacy group of which the Brain Injury Association of California is a member of. Both provide excellent resources, webinars and advocacy on both state and national level

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Media Outreach Handbook

We have a new update on the CATBI.org website. In a previous post we had updated posting the Expanding TBI Services Manual. The manual covers many aspects of our development of a model for California and strategies to build capacity to serve civilians and veterans with traumatic brain injuries (TBI).
Another integral part of the manual is our Media Outreach Handbook. What we have just posted to our main page for reference and can be found on the home sidebar. This comprehensive handbook to aide TBI organizations in conducting media outreach was developed in a collaborative effort with the media-consulting firm, Paschal Roth Public Affairs.
In the handbook, the concept of ‘earned media’ or publicity outside the realm of paid advertising. Also included are ways to create a story that will resonate with the press such as Role of the expert by providing a human element and including a human focus and responding to what is going on in the news.
One of the more recent trends in media has been a shift in emphasis positive local, or community oriented stories. The handbook provides samples of a news advisory, press release, sample statement, news article and letter to the editor that have been generated throughout the project for reference.
Hopefully, these will serve as a solid resource as another way to outreach for people with TBI through media.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

International Day of Persons with Disabilities

On Friday, December 3rd, will be the 29th annual observance of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. This day was established by the World Program of Action concerning Disabled Persons, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1982. 

 This day was established to cultivate an increase level of awareness and understanding of disability issues in our global society with a focus on the rights of persons with disabilities. Part of this day is to advocate for the integration of persons with disabilities in every aspect of the political, social, economic and cultural life of their communities. The ultimate goal is to make it possible for those with disabilities to have full and effective participation in society.

Many people who acquired a traumatic brain injury and live with subsequent disabilities were often those who were at the peak of their physical and cognitive abilities. For teenagers or young adult many receive their TBI from bicycle, motorcycle, and sports accidents. Cops, fire fighters and service men and women receive their TBI in the line of duty. Both groups left to face subtle and extreme differences and abilities, some having to learn how to walk and talk again. Many take time to cope with their acquired disabilities and work hard to make the most of their abilities.

This coming year, on January 23rd, California will be celebrating the life of Ed Roberts  who some deem the the “father of the independent living” movement for people with disabilities and special needs.  Ed, who was a quadriplegic due to polio as a teenager experienced what many with a TBI find themselves facing. He used the challenges he faced by society to become a fierce advocate for the disability community.

Although there is a ways to go for complete equality, these two days are milestones in the fight for equality for those living with disabilities and have paved the way for the services, awareness and laws we have today.