Statewide Webinar Series on Traumatic Brain Injury
Integrating CIL and TBI Sites
DATE: October 19, 2010
TIME: 10:00 – 11:30 am
Register Today!
You may register for this Webinar up to 24 hours prior to the broadcast.
Registration deadline is: October 18, 2010 at 5:00 p.m. Please email your RSVP to Neal Albritton at prior to this deadline.
About the Webinar
Thank you for registering! This session will provide education on TBI and discuss the diverse effects of this disability, as well as strategies for providing accessible services to people with TBI.
Presenter Lynda Eaton will speak about regional service needs, resources available for integrated services, barriers and unmet needs from a service provider perspective.
Robert Cline will provide the perspective of a consumer with a TBI. He will discuss the barriers he faced and ways he found to overcome these barriers.
About the Sponsors
The TBI Service Model presentation is made available through a stimulus package grant (ARRA) provided to Central Coast Center for Independent Living (CCCIL) and administered through the California Department of Rehabilitation (DR).
About the Presenter
This session will feature Lynda Eaton, PT, of Mercy’s Home and Community Program. Robert Cline is a member of the California TBI Advisory Board.
Submit a Question
Due to the nature of the webinar technology and the number of individuals that are expected to participate, we are accepting questions in advance. Priority will be given to the questions submitted via this medium. Advance questions will be accepted up until 24 hours before the scheduled start of the session. Questions will be accepted through the webinar system during the live session as well.
If you would like to submit a question in advance, please send it to
If you are not logged in, you will be prompted to login first.
Prior to the meeting:
You will need to ensure that you have access to:
1. Computer with a high speed internet connection (Dial-up connection will not be affective)
2. Internet Explorer Version 7 or Higher (Recommended for optimal functioning)
3. Soundcard with speakers and/or headphones
4. Ability to download and install the required plug-in (test your system in advance to determine if you have firewall settings that may prevent you from doing this.) Note: You are encouraged to log into the system in advance to ensure you will not have any problems on the day of the event. If you experience problems please refer to our Help Files regarding Firewalls and Proxy Servers at:
You are strongly encouraged to test your speakers/headphones by clicking on the link labeled “Microphone and Speaker Test” at:
Attention MAC and Linux Users: You may experience problems connecting to this system. It is important that you test your systems in advance and review all help files if you are experiencing problems. We apologize for any inconvenience and are working with the System developers to address these issues.
On the day of the event:
Neal Albritton will be available in the Webinar Room 60 minutes prior to the scheduled start of this session. If you are unfamiliar with the system or have never logged into the system before it is highly recommended that you login early to address any problems you may encounter.
If you are already familiar with the system and have logged in successfully in the past it is still recommended that you login approximately 10-15 minutes prior to the meeting to ensure that everything is operating correctly.
IMPORTANT: Close all applications on your desktop except for Internet Explorer and then follow the instructions on the next page.
There are two options for entering the auditorium. The preferred method is option #1.
Option 1: Plug-In Method (preferred method for all users)
On the morning of the scheduled Webinar, by 8:30 a.m., you will receive an email from titled “CATBI October 19, 2010 Webinar Login”. Click on the link which will take you directly to the Elluminate Session Login; enter your name; and then click on the “Login” button.
Note: Moderators and Presenters: Please login by 9:15 a.m.
If you are a Windows PC user, please use Internet Explorer to access these instructions and the Webinar room. If you are using a Mac or Linux computer please skip to Option #2
Make sure the speakers on your PC are turned on and the volume is turned up.
Install our plug-in by clicking on the link in the next step. If your firewall is preventing you from downloading and/or installing the Java plug-in, please call the Elluminate support desk at (866) 388-8674 (preferred) or skip to option #2. (You may also contact Neal Albritton at (916) 947-9008 up to 60 minutes before the webinar begins.)
A dialog box will display prompting you to enter a "User Name." Enter your first and last name in the "User Name" field. Names are utilized to verify attendance for continuing education recognition.
Click the “Log On” button.
Option 2: Web Client Method
You will need to have Java installed on your PC in order to use this option. You can download and install Java by clicking on this link.
If you are a screenreader user please read how to use the web client before entering the room.
Click on the following link to enter the conference room (or click on the link provided in the email invitation sent the morning of the Webinar):
Enter your first and last name in the User Name field.
Click the Log On button.
Not able to connect to our auditorium due to a proxy server or firewall setting? Please refer to the following instructional links:
There are two options for entering the auditorium. The preferred method is Option #1. This method is necessary for screen reader users to ensure full accessibility. If you are using a MAC or Linux Operating system you will need to use Option #1. If you experience problems due to firewalls, etc. try using Option #2 which is a web based client. Refer to our help files regarding Firewalls and Proxy Servers on-line at:
During the meeting:
· Make sure that all background programs on your computer (e.g., Outlook, Word, PowerPoint, etc.) are closed to improve performance and avoid conflicts with the program.
· You may submit questions for the speakers using the Public Chat area.
Real-Time Captioning
The real-time captioning is embedded into the conference system. To access the live captioning during the session please click on the CC icon found in the bottom right-hand corner. A dialogue box will appear. You can resize the box and locate it anywhere on your screen. You will not see any captioning until the session is scheduled to begin.
A copy of the materials referred to during the webinar will be emailed to you within 24 hours of the conclusion of the session along with a session evaluation. We value your opinion so please take the time to fill it out.
We hope you enjoy the session!
If you have any questions or need assistance with the webinar please contact us at (916) 947-9008 or via email